How I Repaired My Concrete Driveway

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Scanning: Your Burning Questions Answered!

Today, concrete is widely used in the construction industry to set up buildings, roads, pavements, bridges and other structures. Even though it is strong and durable, concrete structures may have some anomalies cause by improper mixing, preparation or application of the concrete material to the structure. Minor anomalies may not be a cause for concern, but the severe ones require you to examine the concrete structure and carry out the necessary repairs. Ideally, the best way to examine the structure is by using non-intrusive and non-destructive techniques to locate the target that you want to repair. Here are some of the commonly asked questions on GPR concrete scanning to better your insight and understanding:

What is GPR Scanning?

Ground penetrating radar scanning is a technique used to examine concrete structures through the transmission of user-friendly radio waves that help to generate images of the inner layers of a concrete structure. In most cases, GPR is confused with concrete X-ray. First, X-ray is used to locate any utilities buried within concrete before you drill, cut or core through the concrete. Such utilities include cables and pipes. Secondly, concrete X-ray uses harmful gamma rays and must be carried out with due care to prevent adverse health effects to the users.  

What Do the Map Reports Contain?

After carrying out the ground penetrating scanning, you will be presented with a detailed report from the technicians. Basically, the report just covers the findings made by your service providers. It will have diagrams of the area that he or she scanned, indicating the extent, depth and location of the anomalies in the concrete structure. Since the concrete structure cannot fit on the map, the diagrams are done to scale where reasonable measurement units (centimetres, millimetres, inches) will be used to represent the actual structure.

What are the Benefits of GPR Scanning?

Ground penetrating scanning of concrete comes with a significant number of benefits for you and your workers. An attempt to locate concrete anomalies manually is a time-consuming and labour-intensive exercise. You will drill and core through areas that seem to have anomalies, yet these sections are well done in truth. This will amount to wasted time and money. GPR scanning helps you avoid all these. Additionally, GPR scanning also helps you prepare well for repairs and maintenance. The images give you a fair view of the extent of the anomalies, making it easy to calculate how much material you need, the number of workers and the period needed for the job.
